Saturday, 25 April 2020

3 circles of relationship

Classify & put all the person in your life in one of the 3 circles. 
The 3 circles of relationship are :

1) 1st circle - this circle consist of people who are 
- very close to you. 
- family members. 
- you shall be in life for long term say 10 to 20 yrs
- shall be present for you when you needed most & face worst situation of your life. 

Checklist to be qualify in 1st circle:

A) intention - he shall be having pure & good intention towards you. 
If he do not possess good attention for you, his other qualities, money & talent is not useful for you. 

B) location - you could meet him personally. Location barrier hamper relation in long run. 
Also, your wishing on social media for happy birthday is so much appreciated as everybody is doing so even who is not being touch since 10 yrs although it could be good to start conversation. 
Your efforts to travel & meet in week or 2 weeks with that person is uniqueness that could make you important as everyone is not doing same. 

Interest : both shall have common interest to pursue. That common interest shall serve as being purpose of meeting. 

2nd circle - these are people whom you meet daily, spend your major of day with them ex.  Your present office collegue, your cricket team but deepdoen you also also knows
- their stay in your life is limited. Ex. Once you left your present office, you are not going to meet them. 
- you can't depend on them in situation of help. 

3rd circle - these are people with whom you meet one or two times in a year or old friend who just seems suddenly. You greets him, shake hand & both goes your own way again. 

What is outside of this 3 circles - crowd. They're many people but we don't know who they are makes them part of crowd. 

Practical application - invest your time, efforts & energy on people who are in 1 st circle. 

Remember - time changes, people changes. 
Once you classified people, keep regular observations on their attitude, intention & do not feel hesitate to change their circle in your life. 

Also, if relation with someone Is not going well. DO NOT FINISH RELATION WITH HIM BY ACCUSING EACH OTHER MISTAKES. Just change his circle. 
Its better to make distance instead of finishing relation with someone. 

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